Who loves to hack?! Juan and I do. We hack daily with Peter and Chris as a means of aerobic exercise and stress relieving excellence. It has taken over our emotions and provided us with endless smiles, temporarily depleting the frustrations of Drupal and tedious tasks endured with coding CSS, HTML, Jscript and PHP.
In researching for our secret magnificance, about to be unveiled onto the world, I stumbled upon the origins of the hackee sack, or footbag (one sounds cool and one sounds like a hygene product). Hacking is extremely popular in many many countries, but is more widely known as shuttlecock and uses a different object; the shuttlecock (haha shuttlecock). It is so popular in other countries, the Philipines have made it there national sport. Amongst this amazing stumblation of new knowledge I came across, Bossaball. Bossaball is quite possibly the coolest looking sport since the rise of miniature golf. No, for real, Bossaball is AWESOME! It takes concepts of soccer, gymnastics and volleyball and throws some capoeira in the mix. Did I mention you play this game on an inflatable volleyball-like court with trampolines? Yeah, the rules….pshhh, just watch this video!
HackSaves.com: Coming to a foot near you!