Boromir is Eddard! Eddard is Boromir!

According to A Song of Ice and Fire author / miniature knight painter / NY Giants fan George RR Martin’s blog, a big piece of the HBO casting puzzle is in place. For the few dead-eyed unfortunates who haven’t been anticipating the greatest entertainment spectacle of our time, here’s a brief summary:

HBO is adapting George RR Martin’s insanely addictive fantasy epic A Song of Ice and Fire (think Proustian density meets Tolkienesque world-building meets Deadwoodian violence & quotability) into a uniquely structured series: one book = one season.

I’m not sure how to feel about the casting of Sean Bean. On one hand, I’m excited whenever anyone is cast in this, simply because it legitimizes the whole enterprise in a way that makes me think it might actually happen. And he’ll provide some much-needed star power, as well as draw in the thousands of viewers who will stop flipping channels at the sight of Sean Bean wielding a sword and just assume they’re watching Lord of the Rings.

On the other hand, I kind of wish they’d gone with someone unknown, or at least an actor not already associated with an iconic fantasy character. Like, remember how Boromir’s a total stick-in-the-mud who gets corrupted by the power of the Ring? Well, Eddard Stark is a square of equal proportion, except he’s also a moral compass type who verges on utter self-righteousness. I think Mr. Bean is more than up to the task, acting-chops-wise, I just hope he brings some very un-Boromir personality to the character.

Either way, Winter is eventually coming.

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11 Responses

  1. Jamie says:

    I vote Yes on Bean. Let’s be honest, Boromir, as written, is not a part anyone wants to be saddled with. Sean Bean somehow made the most vanilla fantasy douche of all time completely watchable. Plus he was good in Ronin. I trust him with the North.

    Now more importantly… Peter Dinklage as Tyrion? And if not, who else?

  2. Jamie says:

    I vote Yes on Bean. Let’s be honest, Boromir, as written, is not a part anyone wants to be saddled with. Sean Bean somehow made the most vanilla fantasy douche of all time completely watchable. Plus he was good in Ronin. I trust him with the North.

    Now more importantly… Peter Dinklage as Tyrion? And if not, who else?

  3. Andy says:

    Good points. And actually, they’ve already got Dinklage:

    According to Martin’s blog, they’ve also cast a few of the minor child-actor roles. I’m waiting for the Jaime/Cersei shoe to drop.

  4. Andy says:

    Good points. And actually, they’ve already got Dinklage:

    According to Martin’s blog, they’ve also cast a few of the minor child-actor roles. I’m waiting for the Jaime/Cersei shoe to drop.

  5. Victor says:

    This is the best news I’ve heard in forever. Sean Bean was pretty much the best thing about Fellowship!

    “You would give the ring to SAURON!?!?!”

  6. Victor says:

    This is the best news I’ve heard in forever. Sean Bean was pretty much the best thing about Fellowship!

    “You would give the ring to SAURON!?!?!”

  7. Also, for the record, the guy who wrote the series pitched it as “Lord of the Rings meets The Sopranos.”

    Wow. People still pitch stuff that way??

  8. Also, for the record, the guy who wrote the series pitched it as “Lord of the Rings meets The Sopranos.”

    Wow. People still pitch stuff that way??

  9. Andy Marino says:

    It’s like Star Wars meets The Godfather!

  10. dopeman says:

    personally i feel like liam neeson would make the best eddard but i guess sean bean will do alright

  11. dopeman says:

    personally i feel like liam neeson would make the best eddard but i guess sean bean will do alright

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