The American hedge maze is one that shouldn’t go unnoticed. Every Autumn we have them in places all over, and artistically they’re fantastic feats. This year I want to visit a few of them. Mazezilla is one of those places, and I’m sure there are many more I’ll encounter on this journey. Once I’ve been to enough I’ll post which ones are my favorite. If you have one you’d like me to visit just write to me in the comments.
Here are a few words from the Maze Master himself, “All through the winter he thinks and he schemes what will be next year’s theme? He does his best thinking upon the throne. The only place he can be alone. When sporing rolls around he start to plow that only John Deere his only friendnow. Sitting up high on the tractor seat staring down to the dirt at his feet. Wondering how high the corn will grow the groundhogs will feast on the pumpkins he’ll sow. On his way home late one night down old 512 he was hit by a light. A maze of life will be my salvation and around 8 boxes I’ll form my creation. With Michael and Nathin and Steve in town the corn went down row after row. The paths they formed would creat the mazation. They came and the wondered what the maze was about and if they got lost could they give a should. Off on the wagons they would go looking for that corn they could throw. They came and the conquered they’ll never be the same. Mazezilla ’03 is now the only name. Your friends may not say it but you have our respect. You may not be tall but you’re above the rest. So let’s give a cheer for only Stuman knows what will be for next year.
More pictures of previous mazes after the jump.